
Thursday, 31 August 2017

The Church Is A Community Of Disciples

W.A.L.T: Explain what is meant by the term Community of Disciples.
In reading we have been learning about the church is a community of disciples and we had to choose one                               activity and chose this one. you have to fill in the blanks and this is mine.
I enjoyed  learning about the Community of Disciples, something I did well was thinking what word goes where, and something I can do better next time would be to do something do make this post even more interesting. 

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Pilgrim Church

In reading we have been learning about The church a Pilgrim people and we had to choose some activities and one of the activities I did this. we had to design a symbol that illustrates the pilgrim church and this is mine.
Something I enjoyed was drawing the Pilgrim Church, something I did well was making the Pilgrim Church interesting and something I can do better next time would be to add something that makes my Pilgrim Church even more interesting.

Freedom To Stand Up To Your Own Beliefs.

W.A.L.T: Use words and pictures to convey our thoughts. 
This week our class were given a task to create a quote with a pictures about freedom, and this is mine. We were given a choice of doing it on the Chromebooks or paper and I chose paper because it is easier to draw free handed.
Something I enjoyed was making the pictures more colourful, something I did well was coming up with the quote and making the words stand out, something I can do better next time would be to spend more time and make the drawing even better.
My quote says " No matter who you are, where you come from, everyone should have the freedom to stand up to their own beliefs." and the person says " My belief is Nobody should be privileged over others. We should be allowed to live in a world with peace and no hate."

Freedom To Stand Up To Your Own Beliefs.

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Climate Change Officer Job Advertisement.

W.A.L.T: Describe the qualities of someone who is an effective advocate tor others.
This week in reading we were given the task to create a job advertisement describing the necessary  qualities needed for a climate change officer, and this is mine.
I enjoyed creating this advertisement, something I did well was going into detail with the advertisement and something I can do better next time would be to add more information on where the climate change offer would work.

Climate Change Officer Job Advertisement

A Climate Change Officer is someone who helps countries manage and survive with some of the serious effects of climate change. They come up with plans to make sure if anything bad happens they have something to help or keep people safe.

To be a Climate Change Officer these are some of the responsibilities you will more then likely need: Arrange something like a warehouse so that there are supplies there that can be shipped to somewhere within days in case there is emergency somewhere, come up with some ideas for plans to help people if they are in trouble, try to get a message out on how to reduce climate change like: turn the lights out when you leave the room, unplug the chargers when you are not using them and if it's a cold day outside put warm clothes instead of putting the heat pump on.

These are the skills, experience and knowledge you will need to have to be a climate change officer: You should not be scared to take risks, you should have the experience of 2 years, you should have the knowledge of all the weather that could happen and know all about climate change to be in this role.

These are the rewards you will get if you are the climate change officer: Once a month you will visit each poor country that have been affected from climate change and get some toys and give them to the babies/children and spend the day with them. You will also get to go to each poor country and give them food and fresh water once a week. Once a week you will get paid $800 to do whatever you want but every second week you have an option to keep the $800 or you can put some of it towards helping people adapt to climate change.

To be an climate change officer you will be working in different areas like work in the office and on scene. If there is a really bad disaster you will more likely be coming to help because the more people the better.

If you are applying you will need to know the company better, so if you haven’t worked it out we are a company that helps people in need and in disasters. We help people in countries adapt more to the climate change and give them the supplies they need to survive like: fresh water, food, shelter and warm clothes, and we teach others about climate change.

If you are interested in this role of a climate change officer please
email me at ____________ and phone me at ____________ I would love to have another member to our team.

Climate Change In Tonga

W.A.L.T: Understand the impact climate change is having in communities on parts of Tonga.
In reading we had a task to describe the impact climate change has had on Tonga and this is mine.
Something I enjoyed was learning about what climate change does to Tonga, something I did well was putting the text into my own words and something I can do better next time would be to spend more time and create all of my own pictures.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Low Carbon town

W.A.L.T: Understand that human actions are affecting our climate.
In reading my class were given a task to design a low carbon city or town and this is mine. Something I enjoyed was creating the pictures, something I did well was the ideas, and something I can work on next time would be to make add more things to make it more interesting.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Climate Change

W.A.L.T: Understanding that human actions are affecting our climate.
This week in reading my class had to create a D.L.O on the top 5 facts about climate change and the  top 5 or more action you can do to stop climate change and this is mine. Something I enjoyed was making  some of the pictures, something I did well was putting 7 things you can do to stop climate change and something I could work on next time would be to spend more time and create all the pictures.