
Saturday, 29 July 2017

The Trinity Is A Mystery

W.A.L.T: Recognise that the Christian tradition the reveals God a Trinity ... three persons, Identify images that the christian tradition has used to help people. Reflect on the mystery of the Trinity.
In reading my class were given a task and that was to create a D.L.O about the Trinity, and this is mine. Something I enjoyed was Reading about the trinity and putting it into my own words, something I did well was putting lots of  information about the trinity and something I could do better next time is to create my own pictures. 

Saturday, 8 July 2017

My Legend - The Legend Of The Giant Causeway

This week we have been learning about legends and we had to come up with our own legends and use show not tell and this is mine. Something I enjoyed was drawing the pictures, something I did well was using show not tell, something I could do better next time would be to add more detail to the pictures.

Friday, 7 July 2017

Preserving In Different Ways

W.A.L.T: Identify that preserving removes one or more of the conditions that fungi and bacteria need for growth. I enjoyed finding out how people in Ireland preserved potatoes, something I did well was putting the the words into my own words, something I can improve on next time could be to and more ways how people in Ireland preserved potatoes.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Exploring Mould

W.A.L.T : Identify the conditions needed for mould to grow. In class we have been learning about mould and we swabbed things and we made our own mould and this is mine. I enjoyed swabbing things, something I did well was explaining about the mould, something I could do better next time would be to go into more depth and talk more about the mould. 

Fair Test

This term my class have been learning about mould. We did a fair test on carrots and from that we had to do a D.L.O in a group of three about our fair test and this is mine. I enjoyed finding out if the bits of carrots had grown any mould. something I did well was thinking what to keep the same and what to do different. Something I could do better next time would be to change the size of the carrot to a bigger size.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


In class we have been learning about Matariki, and we had to do a D.L.O about it and I did six facts about Matariki. Something I enjoyed was learning about Matariki, something I did well was coming up with the Idea to have the facts in the stars, something I could do better next time would be to spend more time in making sure the words fit in the stars and make the stars and the words bigger so it is easier to read.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Top 10 Amazing Creations

W.A.L.T : Recognise that God is spirit Wairua and is greater that anything created. I enjoyed thinking of the pictures, something I did well was the layout, something I could do better next time would be to add more pictures.